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Ghana: #1 Gold Producer in Africa

Why Buy Congo Gold is Here

  1. Ghana is Africa’s largest gold producer, 6th largest worldwide and more ounces per km than Nevada1
    Ghana produced ~4.6 million ounces of gold in 2021, surpassing South Africa’s production of ~4 million ounces1. Ghana produces more gold per square kilometer than Nevada and holds more estimated reserves than key gold-producing countries like Peru and Papua New Guinea. Southern Ghana has been considered one of the world’s most prolific regions for gold discoveries for some time, with both gold producers (including Gold Fields and AngloGold Ashanti) and explorers enjoying success there including Shandong Gold’s takeover offer for Cardinal Resources in 2020.
  2. Ghana’s stable, democratic government supports mining
    Ghana’s political stability is underpinned by strong democratic credentials. The mining industry accounts for over 50% of foreign direct investment and is the largest tax-paying sector in the country.2
  3. Mining and gold are essential to Ghana’s economy and tax base
    Gold contributes over 90% of Ghana’s total mineral exports3 and makes up 49% of the country’s total export value.4
  4. Ghana features the Prolific Bibiani Gold Belt
    Ghana’s prolific Bibiani Shear zone, location of Newcore’s Enchi Gold Project, hosts several multi-million-ounce gold deposits. Mines are operated by some of the world’s largest gold companies including Newmont, Gold Fields and AngloGold Ashanti.
  5. Ghana offers modern infrastructure and skilled mining labor
    Ghana has an advanced infrastructure platform compared with most African countries, including water, electricity and mobile networks as well as a good network of roads and highways. The country’s long history of mining has provided a skilled and well-educated mining workforce.
  6. English is the primary language
    An English-speaking populace makes business relatively easy to conduct.


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